
Boosting nursing capacity by balancing your skill mix

Written by Annie Stewart | Jan 26, 2024 8:21:51 AM

In the face of healthcare's rapid evolution, the nursing shortage has spurred innovative solutions for redefining roles and enhancing efficiency. Hospitals are adapting to this challenge by redistributing tasks among assistant nurses, specialized nurses, and even non-nursing staff.

Skill diversity creates a more equitable, accessible and adaptive team

Diversifying skill mixes in teams allows for a more equitable distribution of workload, and makes the entire healthcare profession more accessible. Nurses can now take on more focused or more expanded role, depending on their preference and capabilities. And teams can act in a more flexible and adaptive way, responding in a more agile way to specific patient needs.

This approach leads to a more diverse skill set within healthcare teams, aligning better with patient needs and financial limitations. It's also a strategic shift that's streamlining hospital operations and fostering a collaborative, flexible healthcare environment.

Maintaining the right skill mix at the right time requires the support of smart systems and data intelligence

However, these advancements bring complexities in staff management. A crucial aspect is understanding each team member's skills and availability, in line with patient requirements and hospital demand. Without this insight, there's a risk of increased costs and inefficient use of resources.

In this transformative period, effective hospital and nurse staffing planning are vital. Identifying the best task allocation and optimizing schedules are essential for maintaining a balanced workload. By adopting a collaborative model and utilizing technology, healthcare can address nurse shortages and improve the quality of patient care.

We recommend three key considerations:

  1. Clearly identify needs. Sometimes, more logistical support in a busy ward allows nurses to concentrate on direct patient care. Track various care activities, from direct and indirect patient care to administrative duties, patient transport, and restocking.

  2. Diversify your skill mix. After analyzing task breakdowns, assess which roles best suit each task. For instance, one ward may require a higher percentage of skilled, direct-patient care, while another may have more lower-skilled tasks.

  3. Foster a flexible culture with supportive planning software. Even with full staffing, patient needs and staff skill levels fluctuate daily. It's important to monitor this and encourage staff adaptability.

For healthcare leaders pursuing innovative solutions, now is the time for change. Let's embrace a new era where collaboration, innovation, and strategic planning reshape nursing and patient care, guided by predictive analytics and data intelligence.

Contact us for a demo to discover how Team n Time can assist in balancing your hospital's skill mix and workload.