
The Hidden Pressure: Addressing the Nursing Shortage and Bolstering Healthcare

Written by Annie Stewart | Aug 24, 2023 9:47:51 AM

A robust healthcare system relies heavily on the tireless efforts of nurses. These healthcare professionals breathe life into our newborns, care for our elderly, provide comfort during hospital stays, and remain steadfast during health crises. The importance of nursing cannot be overstated, yet this crucial profession is currently facing a strain due to a variety of pressures. 

Increasing workloads, escalating care complexity, and elevated patient service expectations characterize the nursing landscape today. Unfortunately, the funding allocation for the profession does not adequately mirror this reality. Particularly in the United States, where there is a lack of national standards for patient-to-nurse ratios, the strain on nurses becomes increasingly visible. Amid these challenges, the profession grapples with an aging workforce as more nurses retire than new ones enter the field. 

Poor working conditions, characterized by long hours, limited schedule flexibility, and less than optimal leadership styles, further contribute to nurse attrition. These conditions impact not only job satisfaction and retention rates but also patient outcomes, leading to a critical nursing shortage that jeopardizes the safety of care environments. 

The nursing shortage presents an alarming risk to patient safety. Extensive research, including a study by FagerstroĢˆm L (2018), indicates that patient mortality rates increase by 43% when nurse workloads exceed optimal levels. But these extreme consequences aside, inadequate staffing levels also result in missed care, longer hospital stays, readmission, and increased job-related stress and dissatisfaction. 

Crafting a Comprehensive Solution for the Nursing Shortage 

To effectively address these challenges and enhance the appeal of nursing as a profession, a comprehensive solution tackling all components of the problem is necessary. Here's a glimpse into some vital strategies that could be pivotal in overcoming the crisis: 

Increasing the Overall Number of Nurses: Encouraging more people to enter the profession while simultaneously reducing the attrition rate can help address the nursing shortage. Adequate funding, attractive work environments, flexible schedules, and inspiring leadership can incentivize more people to pursue nursing as a career. 

Shortening Hospital Stays: With the progress of modern medicine, the time required for preparation and recovery from medical interventions has significantly reduced, leading to shorter hospital stays. 

Eliminating Non-Nursing Tasks for Nurses: By delegating tasks that do not require a nursing degree, like meal distribution or patient transportation, to other supportive care staff, the overall workload on nurses can be eased. 

Even Distribution of Care Capacity: An optimal patient-to-nurse ratio is essential to prevent care mistakes. Utilizing data to better balance staffing needs can ensure that each care unit has adequate resources to meet patient needs. 

The Role of Technology in Streamlining Nursing Workload 

Efficient distribution of care capacity is fundamental in managing the nursing workload. Hospitals can address this by deploying floating teams, which are essentially groups of nursing or non-nursing care staff available to assist different care units in case of sudden staffing shortages. However, coordinating such teams is a complex task that can be streamlined with data-driven solutions like Team n Time. 

Team n Time leverages existing hospital data to estimate and predict current and future care requirements for each patient. This data-driven approach not only eases workload management but also enhances the distribution of nursing staff, ultimately improving patient outcomes. 

Designed with simplicity in mind, Team n Time does not require extensive additional data entry and is adaptable to different types of hospital care units. This solution is built for and with the support of nurses, covering all nursing activities, and facilitating prospective planning of nursing staff. It also takes into account factors like historical hospital efficiency and missed care. 

Importantly, Team n Time fosters a sense of fairness in staff allocation decisions and offers better predictability of workload and shifts, encouraging more nurses to embrace this solution.  

In conclusion 

The escalating nursing shortage and the resultant pressure on healthcare require a holistic solution addressing multiple fronts. Enhancing the appeal of the profession, reducing unnecessary workload, and effectively managing nursing staff are key steps towards alleviating the crisis. Implementing data-driven solutions like Team n Time can streamline nursing workload management, thereby improving patient outcomes and enhancing the work environment for nurses. 

Remember, supporting nurses isn't just about maintaining our healthcare system; it's about safeguarding our society's well-being. And we at Team n Time are committed to being part of the solution.